Difference between Cryptography and Steganography with Examples

In the field of information security, two vital techniques stand out: cryptography and steganography. Both play key roles in protecting sensitive and important information, yet they differ significantly in their approach and objectives. In this article, we will delve into the world of cryptography and steganography, will explore the difference between Cryptography and Steganography, their unique attributes, and understand how they protect data with examples.


Cryptography, derived from the Greek words "kryptos" meaning hidden, and "graphein" meaning (writing), is the practice of transforming information into a secret format, known as ciphertext, using algorithms and keys. The primary goal of cryptography is to ensure secure communication and data integrity.


Major Components of Cryptography

Cryptography means the encryption and decryption of data. It is a complex field that involves various components and techniques to secure data and protect communication. Here are the major components of cryptography:

1.      Plaintext and Ciphertext:

In cryptography, "plaintext" refers to the original readable data or message that is to be protected. The process of converting plaintext into an unreadable format is called "encryption," and the resulting scrambled data is known as "ciphertext." Encryption ensures that even if the ciphertext is intercepted, it cannot be understood without the proper decryption key.

2.      Encryption Algorithm:

An encryption algorithm is a mathematical procedure used to convert plaintext into ciphertext during the encryption process. Modern cryptography employs strong encryption algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) to ensure data security.

3.      Decryption Algorithm:

A decryption algorithm is the counterpart of the encryption algorithm. It takes the ciphertext and the decryption key to transform the ciphertext back into the original plaintext. Decryption algorithms are designed to reverse the encryption process accurately.

4.      Key:

A cryptographic key is a piece of information used by encryption and decryption algorithms to govern the transformation of data. There are two main types of keys: symmetric keys and asymmetric keys. Symmetric key cryptography uses a single secret key for both encryption and decryption, while asymmetric key cryptography uses a pair of keys (public and private keys) for encryption and decryption, respectively.

5.      Symmetric Key Cryptography:

In symmetric key cryptography, the same secret key is used for both encryption and decryption. Both the sender and the receiver must possess and keep the key secure. The major advantage of symmetric cryptography is its efficiency, as it is faster than asymmetric cryptography for large volumes of data.

6.      Asymmetric Key Cryptography:

Asymmetric key cryptography uses a pair of mathematically related keys: the public key and the private key. The public key is freely distributed and used for encryption, while the private key, kept secret, is used for decryption. This enables secure communication without the need for both parties to share a common secret key.

7.      Hash Functions:

Cryptographic hash functions are one-way functions that take an input (message or data) and produce a fixed-size output called a hash value or digest. Hash functions are used for integrity verification and digital signatures in cryptographic systems.

8.      Digital Signatures:

A digital signature is a cryptographic technique that provides authentication, non-repudiation, and integrity of a message or document. It involves using the sender's private key to sign the message, and the recipient can verify the signature using the sender's public key.

9.      Random Number Generator:

Cryptographically secure random number generators are essential for generating strong encryption keys and initialization vectors (IVs). These generators produce unpredictable and statistically random numbers, making it difficult for attackers to predict the keys used for encryption.

10.  Key Management:

Proper key management is crucial in cryptography. It involves generating, distributing, storing, and revoking keys securely to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the encrypted data.

11.  Initialization Vector (IV):

The IV is used in some encryption modes to add an extra layer of randomness to the encryption process. It ensures that the same plaintext encrypted with the same key results in different ciphertexts, preventing pattern analysis attacks.

These components work together in various cryptographic systems to provide confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation of data and communications. Understanding and implementing these components correctly is vital to achieving strong data security in modern computing environments.

Examples of Cryptography:

Lets us discuss two examples to understand the concept of cryptography.

Example 1: Caesar Cipher - The Ancient Art of Substitution

The Caesar Cipher is one of the earliest known cryptographic techniques, employed by Julius Caesar to exchange secret messages. It involves shifting each letter of the plaintext to a fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For instance, using a shift of 3, "HELLO" would become "KHOOR." While simple, this example illustrates the foundation of encryption - predictably altering the data, but only the intended recipient can decrypt it using the secret key.

Example 2: RSA Encryption - Securing Digital Communication

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is a widely-used asymmetric encryption algorithm. It involves generating a pair of keys - public and private. The public key encrypts data, while the private key decrypts it. The security lies in the complexity of factoring large prime numbers. This method forms the basis for secure online transactions, protecting sensitive information during data transfer.


Steganography, derived from the Greek words "steganos" which means covered, and "graphein" which means (writing), is an artful practice of concealing information within seemingly innocuous carriers like images, audio files, or text. Unlike cryptography, steganography focuses on hiding the existence of the message itself. For more details about steganography, you can read this article.  

The major components of steganography are:

Cover media:

This is the file or message that is used to hide the secret information. It can be text, image, audio, video, or any other digital form of data.

Secret message:

This is the information that needs to be hidden and transmitted. It can also be text, image, audio, video, or any other digital format. Security of message is most important when we transmit it on other platforms.

Stego media:

This is the file or message that contains the hidden secret information. It should look identical or very similar to the cover media to avoid suspicion.

Stego key:

This is an optional component that is used to enhance the security of steganography. It is a secret piece of information that is shared between the sender and the receiver and is required to embed or extract the secret message.

These components are related by the following formula:

Stego media = Cover media + Secret message + Stego key

The quality of steganography depends on three main factors:

1.      Capacity:

This is the amount of information that can be hidden in the cover media without affecting its quality or size.

2.      Undetectability:

This is the ability to avoid detection by human or machine analysis. The stego media should not have any noticeable changes from the cover media.

3.      Robustness:

Steganographic robustness ensures that the hidden message remains recoverable despite alterations or attacks on the carrier (stego media), such as compression, cropping, or filtering. Balancing capacity, undetectability, and robustness is crucial for an effective steganographic technique, to meet specific application requirements.

Let’s discuss some examples of steganography:

Example 1:

 Image Steganography - Concealing Secrets in Pixels

 In this Plaintext covered within the image. Imagine hiding a text message within a seemingly ordinary image. Image steganography allows just that by slightly modifying the color values of pixels. To the naked eye, the image remains unchanged, but the embedded message is concealed within the pixel data. This technique finds application in covert communication and digital watermarking.

Example 2: Audio Steganography - Whispers in Sound

Audio steganography involves imperceptibly altering audio files to encode secret messages. By introducing slight changes in amplitude or frequency, hidden information becomes embedded within the sound. This method finds practical use in covert surveillance and secure voice communication.

Differences between Cryptography and Steganography

1. Objective:

·        Cryptography: To secure data by converting, it into an unreadable format.

·        Steganography: To hide the existence of the message within a carrier. Data is hidden in different forms like images, audio, video, etc.

2. Visibility:

·        Cryptography: The presence of encrypted data is plain, but the actual content is indecipherable without the key.

·        Steganography: The hidden message is invisible and requires specific techniques to detect its presence.

3. Key Usage:

·        Cryptography: Encryption and decryption rely on the use of keys.

·        Steganography: Encryption and decryption do not rely on keys; it involves embedding and extracting techniques.




1.      What is the main goal of cryptography and steganography?

The main goal of cryptography is to keep the contents of the message secret from unauthorized access. The main goal of steganography is to make the information invisible to anyone who doesn’t know where to look or what to look for.

2.      What are the types of attacks on cryptography and steganography?

The types of attack on cryptography are cryptanalysis, which involves breaking the encryption algorithm or finding the key. The types of attack on steganography are steganalysis, which involves detecting the presence of hidden information or extracting it.

3.      What are the techniques used in cryptography and steganography?

The techniques used in cryptography are transposition, substitution, stream cipher, block ciphers, etc. The techniques used in steganography are spatial domain, transform domain, model-based, ad-hoc, etc.

4.      What are the forms of steganography and cryptography?

The forms of steganography are text, audio, video, image, network, or protocol. The forms of cryptography are symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of cryptography and steganography?

The advantages of cryptography are that it provides security principles such as confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. It also has various recognized and approved algorithms. The disadvantages of cryptography are that it alters the structure of data and makes it visible to anyone. It also relies on keys or parameters that can be lost or compromised.

The advantages of steganography are that it does not alter the structure of data and makes it invisible to anyone. It also does not rely on keys or parameters that can be lost or compromised. The disadvantages of steganography are that it provides only confidentiality and authentication. It also has less popularity and no specific algorithms.


In the field of data protection, both steganography and cryptography play vital roles in the security of information. In this article, we discussed the difference between Cryptography and Steganography in detail. Cryptography focuses on making data unintelligible, whereas steganography conceals the presence of the message itself. The power of these techniques lies in their combination, as seen in modern-day applications where data is encrypted using cryptographic methods and then hidden within images or audio files using steganographic techniques.



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