Object Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming technique that revolves around the concept of "objects". Objects are nothing but real-world entities around us like students, birds, mountains, chairs, etc. By utilizing OOP, developers can create applications at a higher level, where the focus shifts from controlling the flow of execution to objects interacting with one another in predefined ways. This approach grants programmers the ability to create new programs or systems by combining software objects. This article is a continuation of the learning Java series

Table of Contents : Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Object in OOP
  • Classes in OOP
  • Four pillars of object oriented programming
  • OOP in Java
  • MCQs on OOP
  • Short Question on OOP

In the real world, objects are ubiquitous and can be classified into various categories. For instance, humans, vehicles, libraries, rivers, watches, and fans are examples of physical objects, while logical objects include examination results and bank accounts. Each real-world object possesses distinct characteristics and behaviors. For instance, humans have characteristics such as gender, age, height, weight, and complexion, while their behaviors encompass walking, eating, working, reacting, and more.

The Object Oriented philosophy suggests that the things manipulated by the program should correspond to things in the real world.

  • Classification is called a Class in OOP
  • Real-world entity is called an Object in OOP
  • Characteristic is called Property in OOP
  • Behavior is called a Method in OOP

Class in OOP

A class is the building block in Object-Oriented Programming. It can be defined in multiple ways:

  •         A class is a blueprint for an object.
  •         A class is a user-defined data type.
  •         A class is a collection of objects of the same kind.
  •         A class is a user-defined data type that combines data and methods.

A class describes both the data and behaviors of objects. It contains data members (also known as field or property or data) and member functions (also known as method or action or behavior).  An object is an instance of a class and can be thought of as a variable that belongs to a specific class. It serves as a data structure that combines both data and functions within a single entity. Objects in object-oriented programming (OOP) are akin to real-world entities, representing the basic runtime entities in the program.

The following figure shows some common real-world classes with their properties and behaviors.

Object in OOP

In the Java programming language, class variables are commonly referred to as objects. By utilizing objects, we can access the member variables and member functions defined within a class. Objects represent various entities such as people, places, or items that a program interacts with. 

For instance, if we have a class called "Country," the objects of that class can include Pakistan, China, Japan, the United States, and so on. A single class can create any number of objects as shown in the following figure.

Figure: Creating objects from a class

Following table shows some real-world class and their objects. Note that you can create as many objects of a class a many you want. But every object will have its own set of attributes and functionalities.

Some classes and their objects




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Class vs Object

The following table shows the difference between class and object.




1. For a single class there can be any number of objects. For example - If we define the class as River then Sutluj, Ravi, and Sindh can be the objects of the class River.

There are many objects that can be created from one class. These objects make use of the methods and attributes defined by the belonging class.

2. The scope of the class is persistent throughout the program.

The objects can be created and destroyed as per the requirements.

3. The class can not be initialized with some property values.

We can assign some property values to the objects.

4. A class has unique name.

Various objects having different names can be created for the same class

Four Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming

There are four pillars of OOP that provide real power to OOP.       

  1. Abstraction
  2. Inheritance
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Encapsulation

Let us discuss these one by one


Abstraction is a key concept in OOP that involves presenting only relevant data and hiding unnecessary details from the user. It allows users to interact with objects without being concerned about the underlying implementation. For example, when logging into a Facebook account, users enter their credentials and click "login" without needing to know how the data is sent to the server or verified. Abstraction simplifies complex processes, allowing users to focus on essential tasks and improving code maintainability and user experience.

Let's explore another example of abstraction. Consider a car object. It consists of smaller components like the gearing system, steering mechanism, and engine, each of which has its own subsystems. However, for an ordinary person, a car is just a singular object that can be operated effectively through its subsystems. He will not consider about internal subsystems of the car. In this way, abstraction plays a crucial role in simplifying complex real-world systems. In Java programming, abstract classes and interfaces are utilized to achieve abstraction. In Chapter 7, we will delve into a more comprehensive discussion of this concept, providing a deeper understanding of how abstraction is applied in Java and its significance in implementing real-world systems.


Inheritance involves the concept of the parent-child relationship. In inheritance, the child object gets all the properties and behaviors of the parent object plus it has also its properties and behaviors. It provides code reusability. Inheritance is used to achieve runtime polymorphism. In Java, we extend other classes and implement Interfaces to achieve inheritance. We will discuss inheritance in detail in the coming articles.


When one task can be performed in multiple ways i.e. known as polymorphism. For example, to convince the customer differently, to draw something e.g. shape or rectangle, etc.

In Java, we use method overloading and method overriding to achieve polymorphism. Another example can be to speak something e.g. cat speaks mew, a dog barks woof, etc.  Figure showing how the same person behaves differently in different situations.


Encapsulation refers to the binding or wrapping of code and data into a single entity. It is like a capsule that contains various medications. In the context of Java programming, a class exemplifies encapsulation. A Java bean serves as a prime example of a fully encapsulated class. The intricate details of encapsulation will be thoroughly explored in Chapter 6, providing a comprehensive understanding of this concept. 

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java

Java, as both a high-level language and platform, has gained immense popularity as one of the most widely used object-oriented programming languages. It offers a secure, robust, and powerful environment for developing various software applications. In the context of programming, a platform refers to the hardware or software used to execute programs. Java, with its own Application Programming Interface (API) and runtime environment (JRE), can be considered a platform in itself.

According to Sun, approximately 3 billion devices run Java, highlighting its widespread adoption. It is utilized in developing diverse applications, ranging from desktop applications such as PDF readers, media players, and anti-virus software, to web applications powered by the mighty Java language. Enterprise applications, characterized by their distributed nature, such as banking systems, also heavily rely on Java for their development. Additionally, Java finds applications in mobile app development, embedded systems, gaming, smart cards, and robotics technology.

To illustrate the basics of Java, let's consider a simple "Hello" program that provides an introductory understanding of the language. A detailed explanation of this example will be presented on the next page, offering a step-by-step guide for better comprehension.

class Sample{  

    public static void main(String args[]){  

     System.out.println("Hello Java");  




MCQs related to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

1.      Which of the following is not a pillar of Object-Oriented Programming?

a) Inheritance

b) Encapsulation

c) Abstraction

d) Linear programming

Answer: d) Linear programming

2.      Which pillar of OOP focuses on combining data and methods into a single construct?

a) Inheritance

b) Abstraction

c) Polymorphism

d) Encapsulation

Answer: d) Encapsulation

3.      Which pillar of OOP allows objects to inherit characteristics from other objects?

a) Encapsulation

b) Polymorphism

c) Abstraction

d) Inheritance

Answer: d) Inheritance

4.      Which pillar of OOP refers to the ability of objects to take on many forms?

a) Inheritance

b) Polymorphism

c) Abstraction

d) Encapsulation

Answer: b) Polymorphism

5.      Which pillar of OOP focuses on simplifying complex systems by showing only relevant information?

a) Abstraction

b) Encapsulation

c) Inheritance

d) Polymorphism

Answer: a) Abstraction

6.      Which pillar of OOP ensures that objects cannot directly access each other's data?

a) Abstraction

b) Polymorphism

c) Encapsulation

d) Inheritance

Answer: c) Encapsulation

7.      Which pillar of OOP allows for code reusability and modularity?

a) Abstraction

b) Encapsulation

c) Inheritance

d) Polymorphism

Answer: c) Inheritance

8.      Which pillar of OOP is closely related to the concept of "is-a" relationship?

a) Polymorphism

b) Abstraction

c) Inheritance

d) Encapsulation

Answer: c) Inheritance

9.      Which pillar of OOP emphasizes the separation of interface and implementation?

a) Encapsulation

b) Polymorphism

c) Inheritance

d) Abstraction

Answer: d) Abstraction

10.   Which pillar of OOP allows for flexibility and extensibility in code design?

a) Abstraction

b) Encapsulation

c) Polymorphism

d) Inheritance

Answer: c) Polymorphism

11.   Which pillar of OOP involves the creation of classes based on existing classes?

a) Inheritance

b) Encapsulation

c) Polymorphism

d) Abstraction

Answer: a) Inheritance

12.   Which pillar of OOP promotes data hiding and information security?

a) Polymorphism

b) Abstraction

c) Encapsulation

d) Inheritance

Answer: c) Encapsulation

13.   Which pillar of OOP allows for objects to exhibit different behaviors based on their types?

a) Abstraction

b) Encapsulation

c) Inheritance

d) Polymorphism

Answer: d) Polymorphism

14.   Which pillar of OOP focuses on representing real-world entities and their relationships in code?

a) Polymorphism

b) Abstraction

c) Encapsulation

d) Inheritance

Answer: b) Abstraction

15.   Which pillar of OOP is not specific to Java and is a general principle in object-oriented programming?

a) Encapsulation

b) Abstraction

c) Inheritance

d) Polymorphism

Answer: b) Abstraction

Short questions related to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

1.      Q: What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

A: OOP is a programming paradigm that organizes code around objects that contain data and behavior.

2.      Q: What are the four pillars of OOP in Java?

A: The four pillars are encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.

3.      Q: What is encapsulation in OOP?

A: Encapsulation is the bundling of data and methods into a single unit, allowing data hiding and protection.

4.      Q: What is inheritance in OOP?

A: Inheritance is a mechanism where a class inherits properties and behaviors from another class, promoting code reuse.

5.      Q: What is polymorphism in OOP?

A: Polymorphism refers to the ability of objects to take on multiple forms and behave differently based on their types or context.

6.      Q: What is an abstraction in OOP?

A: Abstraction focuses on representing essential features of real-world entities while hiding unnecessary implementation details.

7.      Q: How does encapsulation promote data security?

A: Encapsulation restricts direct access to data, allowing controlled access through methods, and enhancing data security.

8.      Q: What is the purpose of inheritance in OOP?

A: Inheritance allows the creation of new classes by inheriting properties and behaviors from existing classes, enabling code reuse and specialization.

9.      Q: How does polymorphism enhance code flexibility?

A: Polymorphism allows objects to be treated as instances of their own class or as instances of their superclass, providing flexibility in method implementation.

10.   Q: How does abstraction simplify complex systems?

A: Abstraction focuses on the essential features of objects while hiding unnecessary implementation details, making it easier to understand and work with complex systems.

In this article, we have discussed in detail about basics of objected oriented programming, particularly from the perspective of Java. Java is one of the famous OOP languages and it supports all the basic concepts of object orientation i.e., classes, objects, abstraction, polymorphism, and inheritance. We have also compared objects with classes and in the last we touched objected oriented programming (OOP) in Java. Hope this article would help you understand the whole concept.  Happy learning :). 


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