Variables in Java

A variable is a name given to a memory location. It is the basic unit of storage in a program. The value stored in a variable can be changed during program execution at any point of code.

In Java, all the variables must be declared before use. We can declare variables in Java as follows:


datatype variable_name = value;



datatype: Type of data that can be stored in this variable.
variable_name: Name given to the variable.
value: It is the initial value stored in the variable.

The following figure shows how to declare a Java variable. After variable declaration and initialization (assigning value to a variable), you can examine the memory view. In this example, a variable named marks having data type int and value 75 is shown. In the given figure, you can check memory address 2026 contains the value of the marks variable. 


Fig: Declaring a variable and memory view after variable definition

Let us have some examples:

float carSpeed; //Declaring float variable

int time = 10 //Declaring and Initializing integer variable

char var = 'r'; // Declaring and Initializing character variable

Types of variables

There are three types of variables in Java:

  1. Local Variables
  2.  Instance Variables
  3. Static Variables

Fig: Types of variables in Java

Let us now learn about each one of these variables in detail.

1. Local Variables

Local variables are variables that are declared and used within a particular method, constructor, or block of code. They are temporary and exist only within the scope of the method, constructor, or block in which they are declared.

Declaration and Scope

To declare a local variable in Java, you specify the variable's data type, followed by its name. The scope of a local variable is limited to the block of code in which it is declared. Once the block is exited, the variable ceases to exist.

Usage and Benefits

Local variables are primarily used for storing temporary data or intermediate results within a method or block of code. They help in improving code readability, as they are only accessible within the scope where they are declared. Local variables also conserve memory since their lifetime is limited to the duration of the method or block.

Program 2.1:

public class EmployeeDetails


    public void EmployeeAge() 

    {   //local variable age

        int age = 0;

        age = age + 5;

        System.out.println("Employee age is : " + age);


    public static void main(String args[])


        StudentDetails obj = new StudentDetails();

        obj. EmployeeAge ();



When you run the program, the output will be:

Employee age is: 5

In the above program, the variable age is a local variable to the function EmployeeAge(). If we use the variable age outside EmployeeAge() function, the compiler will produce an error as shown below.

Program 2.2:

public class EmployeeDetailsInvalid


    public void EmployeeAge() 

    {   //local variable age

        int age = 0;

        age = age + 5;


    //main function

    public static void main(String args[]) 


        //using local variable age outside it's scope

       System.out.println("Employee age is : " + age);



When you run the program, the output will be:

error: cannot find symbol

 " + age);


The above program will produce an error because variable age is a local variable that is declared in StudentAge( ), we can’t access it in the main method.  

2. Instance Variables:

Instance variables, also known as member variables, are declared within a class but outside any method, constructor, or block. They are associated with objects of the class and have separate copies for each instance of the class.

Declaration and Scope

To declare an instance variable in Java, you specify the variable's data type, followed by its name, within the class but outside any methods. Instance variables have class-level scope and are accessible to all methods and constructors of the class.

Usage and Benefits

Instance variables are used to store and maintain state information specific to each object of a class. They represent the properties or attributes of an object and can have different values for each instance. Instance variables facilitate data encapsulation and provide a way to store and retrieve object-specific data throughout the lifetime of the objects. To better grasp the concept of instance variables, let's examine a program that illustrates their usage.

Program 2.3:


class Marks


    //These variables are instance variables.

    //These variables are in a class and are not inside any function

    int engMarks;

    int mathsMarks;

    int phyMarks;



class MarksDemo


    public static void main(String args[])

    {   //first object

        Marks obj1 = new Marks();

        obj1.engMarks = 50;

        obj1.mathsMarks = 80;

        obj1.phyMarks = 90;


        //second object

        Marks obj2 = new Marks();

        obj2.engMarks = 80;

        obj2.mathsMarks = 60;

        obj2.phyMarks = 85;


        //displaying marks for the first object

        System.out.println("Marks for the first object:");





        //displaying marks for the second object

        System.out.println("Marks for the second object:");






When you run the program, the output will be:

Marks for the first object:




Marks for the second object:




In the provided program, we have two classes: "Marks" and "MarksDemo." The "Marks" class contains instance variables that are declared at the class level, outside any method. These variables represent the marks obtained in English, Mathematics, and Physics.

In the "MarksDemo" class, we create two objects: obj1 and obj2, using the "Marks" class. We assign values to the instance variables of these objects to represent the marks obtained in different subjects.

Finally, we display the marks for both objects, printing the values of the instance variables using System.out.println() statements.

3. Static Variables:

Static variables, also known as class variables, are declared within a class and are prefixed with the static keyword. Unlike instance variables, static variables have only one copy, shared by all instances of the class.

Declaration and Scope

To declare a static variable in Java, you specify the variable's data type, followed by the static keyword and its name, within the class but outside any methods. Static variables have class-level scope and can be accessed directly using the class name.

Usage and Benefits

Static variables are useful for storing data that is shared across multiple instances of a class. They are commonly used for constants, counters, or values that need to be accessed globally within the class or even outside the class. Static variables provide memory efficiency by having only one instance regardless of the number of objects created.

class Example{  

int data=50; //instance variable  

static int m=100; //static variable  

void method(){  

int n=90; //local variable  



Let's understand the concept of static variables in more detail with the help of a program.

Program 2.4:


class Emp {                                          


   // static variable salary

   public static double salary;

   public static String name = "Ali";



public class EmpDemo


     public static void main(String args[]) {


      //accessing static variable without object         

      Emp.salary = 1000;

      System.out.println( + "'s average salary:"+ Emp.salary);



When you run the program, the output will be:

Ali's average salary:1000.0

Use Cases

Local variables are commonly used for storing temporary or intermediate values within a method or block of code.

Instance variables are used to represent the state or properties of objects and hold data specific to each instance of a class.

Static variables are useful for storing data shared across multiple instances of a class or maintaining global data.

 Comparison among Local variables, Static variables, and Instance variables in Java

Local Variables

Instance Variables

Static Variables


Limited to the block of code where they are declared

Accessible throughout the class where they are declared

Accessible throughout the class where they are declared


Created when the block of code is executed and destroyed when it completes execution

Exist as long as the instance of the class exists

Exist as long as the program runs or the class is loaded


Must be explicitly initialized before use

Can have default values or be explicitly initialized

Can have default values or be explicitly initialized


Accessed only within the block of code where they are declared

Accessed using the "this" keyword or instance reference

Accessed using the class name or instance reference

Number of Copies

Each execution of the block of code creates a new instance

Each instance of the class has its own copy

Only one copy exists for the entire class

Memory Allocation



Data segment of the program

Usage Examples

Temporary variables inside functions/methods

Object-specific data (e.g., properties)

Shared data among multiple instances of a class


Short Questions about Variables in Java

Q1. Can a local variable have the same name as an instance variable or a static variable?

Yes, a local variable can have the same name as an instance variable or a static variable within a different scope. In such cases, the local variable takes precedence within its scope.


Q2. Are local variables thread-safe in Java?

Local variables are thread-safe by nature since they are only accessible within the method or block in which they are declared. Each thread executing the method or block will have its own copy of the local variables.


Q3. Can we declare static variables inside a method in Java?

No, static variables cannot be declared inside a method in Java. They are always declared at the class level and outside any methods.


Q4. Can instance variables be accessed without creating objects?

No, instance variables can only be accessed through object references. You need to create an instance of the class to access its instance variables.


Q5. Is it possible to change the value of a final instance variable in Java?

No, a final instance variable cannot be modified once it has been assigned a value. It remains constant throughout the lifetime of the object.


Understanding the differences between local variables, instance variables, and static variables is essential for writing efficient and well-structured Java code. Local variables provide temporary storage, instance variables maintain object-specific states, and static variables store data shared among instances. By utilizing the appropriate variable type in your code, you can ensure better memory management, encapsulation, and code readability. This part is the continuation of our previous article.








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